Please be aware courses can change, this database is an unofficial estimate of credit transfer, and your official credit evaluation(s) may not match what you see here. Notre Dame reserves the right to update transfer credit as necessary and appropriate in response to new information and changes to courses. Applicability of transfer credits toward college and major requirements are determined by your respective college and department at Notre Dame.
Current Notre Dame students are required to obtain course pre-approval from the appropriate department and dean before taking a class. If pre-approval is not obtained, the course is not likely to be transferable.
College | City | State/Country |
American University of Paris | Paris , FR |
France |
Anne Arundel Community College | Arnold , MD |
Maryland |
Aquinas College | Grand Rapids , MI |
Michigan |
Arab Academy | Cairo , EG |
Egypt |
Arcadia University | Glenside , PA |
Pennsylvania |
Arizona State University | Tempe , AZ |
Arizona |
Auburn University | Auburn , AL |
Alabama |
Barnard College | New York , NY |
New York |
Bates College | Lewiston , ME |
Maine |
Baylor University | Waco , TX |
Texas |
Benedictine College | Atchison , KS |
Kansas |
Benito Juarez Univ of Oaxaca | Oaxaca , MX |
Mexico |
Bentley College | Waltham , MA |
Massachusetts |
Bernard Baruch College | New York , NY |
New York |
Bernard M. Baruch College | New York , NY |
New York |
Bethel University | Mishawaka , IN |
Indiana |
Borough of Manhattan Community | New York , NY |
New York |
Boston College | Chestnut Hill , MA |
Massachusetts |
Boston University | Boston , MA |
Massachusetts |
Bradley University | Peoria , IL |
Illinois |
Brandeis University | Waltham , MA |
Massachusetts |
Brigham Young University | Provo , UT |
Utah |
Brookdale Community College | Lincroft , NJ |
New Jersey |
Broward College - Weston | Weston , FL |
Florida |
Bryn Mawr College | Bryn Mawr , PA |
Pennsylvania |
Bucknell University | Lewisburg , PA |
Pennsylvania |
Butler University | Indianapolis , IN |
Indiana |
California State U-Long Beach | Long Beach , CA |
California |
Camden County College | Blackwood , NJ |
New Jersey |
Capital Normal University | Beijing , CN |
China |
Case Western Reserve Univ. | Cleveland , OH |
Ohio |
Catholic University of America | Washington , DC |
District of Columbia |
Central Piedmont Community Col | Charlotte , NC |
North Carolina |
Central Univ of Finance & Econ | Beijing 100081 , CN |
China |
Clark University | Worcester , MA |
Massachusetts |
Clarkson University of Technol | Potsdam , NY |
New York |
Clemson University | Clemson , SC |
South Carolina |
Colby College | Waterville , ME |
Maine |
College of William & Mary | Williamsburg , VA |
Virginia |
College of Dupage | Glen Ellyn , IL |
Illinois |
College of the Holy Cross | Worcester , MA |
Massachusetts |
College of the Sequoias | Visalia , CA |
California |
Colorado School of Mines | Golden , CO |
Colorado |
Colorado State University | Fort Collins , CO |
Colorado |
Columbia University | New York , NY |
New York |
Connecticut State Community College | New Britain , CT |
Connecticut |
Cornell University | Ithaca , NY |
New York |
Council on Intl Educational Ex | Portland , ME |
Maine |
Cypress College | Cypress , CA |
California |
Dallas County Community Colleg | Dallas , TX |
Texas |